My name: Kenny Williams.
My motto: "Clean and simple."
As an owner-operator I have low overhead, no employees, and no complicated registration or payment processes, and so I'm able to offer consistent, high-quality pet care and house-sitting services while remaining personally accessible and accountable to my clients.
Since I incur very little travel expense, my clients pay no gas surcharge or other obnoxious fees. I'm a longtime resident of Grove Ave. Most of my furry friends live within a two-mile radius of my home.
I have more than ten years' experience as a pet-sitter in the Richmond area, and come with outstanding references.
Before founding The Fan Sitter I worked for six years in higher education, most recently teaching socio-technical systems theory in the School of Engineering at the University of Virginia. Sounds like rocket science, right? It basically means I can talk to your cat about Kierkegaard and to your dog about Diogenes.
I'm a lifelong lover of classical piano, especially Schubert and Schumann.
I also volunteer as a content developer for the Library of Virginia's blog "Multiple Exposure," an investigation into the photographic history of Richmond and the Commonwealth.